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-5% dte.    19,40€
Estalvia 0,97€
  • ISBN13 9781946873750
  • ISBN10 1946873756
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 40


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Detalls del llibre

Kobi Yamada is a New York Times best-selling author and the creator of many inspiring gift books as well as the president of Compendium, a company of amazing people doing amazing things. He happily lives with the love of his life and their two super fun kids in the land of flying salmon where he gets to believe in his ideas all day long. He thinks he just might be the luckiest person on the planet.

  • ISBN13 9781946873750
  • ISBN10 1946873756
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 40