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The Shoemaker's Splendid Lamp (Ukrainian Edition)

Autor Tuula Pere Georgia Styloy Yulia Chernikova

The Shoemaker's Splendid Lamp (Ukrainian Edition)
-5% dte.    32,00€
Estalvia 1,60€
  • ISBN13 9789523573949
  • ISBN10 9523573942
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 36

The Shoemaker's Splendid Lamp (Ukrainian Edition)

Autor Tuula Pere Georgia Styloy Yulia Chernikova

-5% dte.    32,00€
Estalvia 1,60€
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Detalls del llibre

Tuula Pere (b. 1958) is Ph.D. in Law and an author from Helsinki, Finland. Her doctoral dissertation published in 2015 examines the limits of the freedom of speech in the Finnish mass media amidst the social and cultural shift of the 1960's and 1970's. Before her doctoral research, Tuula Pere has had a career of over two decades as a lawyer and in various expert and executive positions in industry. Since 2010, Tuula Pere has published over thirty children's storybooks which have been translated into Swedish, English, Russian, Estonian, French, Italian and Spanish, for example. She has also published poetry and aphorisms for children and short stories for adults. Tuula Pere is an avid music and sports enthusiast and a keen baker. She is married and a mother of three.

  • ISBN13 9789523573949
  • ISBN10 9523573942
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 36