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I Go Quiet

Autor David Quimet


I Go Quiet
-5% dte.    15,90€
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  • ISBN13 9781786897404
  • ISBN10 1786897407
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Col.lecció INGLES #
  • Any Edició 2022
  • Idioma Anglès
  • Audiència Infantil / Juvenil
  • Rang Edat de lectura, anys Des de 10

I Go Quiet

Autor David Quimet


-5% dte.    15,90€
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Detalls del llibre

Astonishingly beautiful . . . I wish this book had been around when I was a child: I would not have felt quite as alone -- NEIL GAIMAN A powerful book, about the intensity that can live behind silence; about the power of books and how they give us strength and knowledge to deal with the world in which we find ourselves. A wonder -- MATT HAIG I Go Quiet is poetical, magical and eerily creepy. It is bewildering and mysterious and a master at somehow finding the words to capture something so abstract - isolation, loneliness, solitude and sadness. But the book is not bleak - it offers light and shade, it is full of hope and comfort. It will become a solid silent friend to many readers -- LAURA DOCKRILL Completely original. Unique, in fact -- PHILIP PULLMAN I Go Quiet unfolds like a vivid and indelible dream, full of light and darkness and mystery. It is about hidden things, hidden feelings and the power of quiet reflection. Most of all it is about connection and finding our place in the world. The illustrations are a marvel of imagination, atmosphere and cinematic loveliness -- ERIC FAN

I Go Quiet is the exquisite story of an introverted girl, struggling to find her place in a noisy world. Through the power of books, creativity and imagination, she begins to see possibilities for herself beyond the present, to a future where her voice will finally be heard.

  • ISBN13 9781786897404
  • ISBN10 1786897407
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Col.lecció INGLES #
  • Any Edició 2022
  • Idioma Anglès
  • Audiència Infantil / Juvenil
  • Rang Edat de lectura, anys Des de 10

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