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Groucho and Me: The Autobiography


Groucho and Me: The Autobiography
-5% dte.    13,00€
Estalvia 0,65€
  • Editorial VIRGIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780753519509
  • ISBN10 075351950X
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 272
  • Idioma Anglès

Groucho and Me: The Autobiography


-5% dte.    13,00€
Estalvia 0,65€
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Detalls del llibre

"The only thing the man can't do is sing, and that gave me an opening. But he can do everything else. I envy him this book, most of his wives and all of his talent" (Frank Sinatra)

"In this book, Groucho gives all - and he deserves every dime of his royalties. I'm looking forward to my percentage for this puff" (Jack Benny)

"Groucho brought the spirit of carnival to Hollywood. This book allows us to linger over the gags that went too fast on the screen" (Alistair Cooke)

'The temptation to write about yourself is irresistible, especially when you are prodded into it by a crafty publisher who has slyly baited you into doing it with a miserly advance of fifty dollars and a box of cheap cigars' - Groucho Marx

Groucho Marx's autobiography is a rags-to-riches story with a difference. The most outrageous and voluble of the legendary Marx Brothers had a career that stretched from Vaudeville to gameshow, conquering Hollywood on the way. From the triumphs and disasters of a life spent in show business to his unconsummated loves, Groucho's story is told with humour and wit and in Groucho's own unique style.

As TS Eliot said of him: 'The mind boggles'.

  • Editorial VIRGIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780753519509
  • ISBN10 075351950X
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 272
  • Idioma Anglès