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The Portable Steinbeck

Autor John Steinbeck


The Portable Steinbeck
-5% dte.    29,24€
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  • Editorial PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780143106975
  • ISBN10 014310697X
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 640
  • Col.lecció Penguin classics #
  • Any Edició 2013
  • Idioma Anglès
  • Encuadernació Paperback

The Portable Steinbeck

Autor John Steinbeck


-5% dte.    29,24€
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Detalls del llibre

It would be impossible to overstate John Steinbeck's enduring influence on American letters. Profuse with a richness of language, sly humor, and empathy for even his most flawed characters, Steinbeck's books are still widely read and deeply relevant today. "The Portable Steinbeck" is a grand sampling of his most important and popular works. Here are the complete novels "Of Mice and Men" and "The Red Pony", together with self-contained excerpts from several longer novels, the text of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, a fascinating introduction by Pascal Covici, Jr., son of Steinbeck's longtime editor, and brand new introduction from leading Steinbeck scholar Susan Shillinglaw that puts Steinbeck in the context of the 21st century. John Steinbeck (1902-68), winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize for literature, is remembered as one of the greatest and best-loved American writers of the twentieth century. During the Second World War Steinbeck served as a war correspondent, his journalism later collected in "Once There Was a War" (1958), and he was awarded the Norwegian Cross of Freedom for his portrayal in "The Moon is Down" (1942) of Resistance efforts in northern Europe. His best-known works include the epics "The Grapes of Wrath" (1939) and "East of Eden" (1952), and his tragic novella "Of Mice and Men" (1937). John Steinbeck's complete works are published in "Penguin Modern Classics".

  • Editorial PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780143106975
  • ISBN10 014310697X
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 640
  • Col.lecció Penguin classics #
  • Any Edició 2013
  • Idioma Anglès
  • Encuadernació Paperback

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