Cistella de la compra

Washington Square

Autor Henry James


Washington Square
-5% dte.    8,50€
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  • Editorial PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141389493
  • ISBN10 0141389494
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 240
  • Col.lecció Penguin English Library #
  • Any Edició 2012
  • Idioma Anglès
  • Encuadernació Paperback

Washington Square

Autor Henry James


-5% dte.    8,50€
Estalvia 0,42€
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Detalls del llibre

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Washington Square" by James Hardy. "Why, you must take me or leave me ...You can't please your father and me both; you must choose between us". When timid and plain Catherine Sloper acquires a dashing and determined suitor, her father, convinced that the young man is nothing more than a fortune-hunter, decides to put a stop to their romance. Torn between her desire to win her father's love and approval and her passion for the first man who has ever declared his love for her, Catherine faces an agonising dilemma, and becomes all too aware of the restrictions that others seek to place on her freedom. James' masterly novel deftly interweaves the public and private faces of nineteenth-century New York society; it is also a deeply moving study of innocence destroyed. "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

  • Editorial PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141389493
  • ISBN10 0141389494
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Pàgines 240
  • Col.lecció Penguin English Library #
  • Any Edició 2012
  • Idioma Anglès
  • Encuadernació Paperback