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Kafka On The Shore

Autor Haruki Murakami


Kafka On The Shore
-5% dte.    8,01€
Estalvia 0,40€
  • Editorial VINTAGE BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780307275264
  • ISBN10 0307275264
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Idioma Anglès

Kafka On The Shore

Autor Haruki Murakami


-5% dte.    8,01€
Estalvia 0,40€
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Detalls del llibre

Kafka on the Shore is powered by two remarkable characters: a teenage boy, Kafka Tamura, who runs away from home either to escape a gruesome oedipal prophecy or to search for his long-missing mother and sister; and an aging simpleton called Nakata, who never recovered from a wartime afflicition and now is drawn toward Kafka for reasons that, like the most basic activities of daily life, he cannot fathom.

  • Editorial VINTAGE BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780307275264
  • ISBN10 0307275264
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Idioma Anglès