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Whores on the hill

Whores on the hill
14,00€ -5% dte.
Estalvia 0,70€
  • ISBN13 9781400079957
  • ISBN10 1400079950
  • Tipus Llibre

Whores on the hill

-5% dte.    14,00€
Estalvia 0,70€
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Detalls del llibre

The girls of Sacred Heart Holy Angels eye the good dancers at the all-ages club Metropolis. They waste afternoons at the mall, check out parties on the lake, burn through candid, casual sex.

Everybody calls them the Whores on the Hill, but they don't care.

It is the mid-'80s and they go to the last all-girls' school in Milwaukee, where innocence is scarce and happiness is something to grabbed at in the backseat of a fast car.

Meet exuberant, uninhibited Astrid, her nervy, troubled friend Juli and Thisbe, the shy, ascetic newcomer. They are fifteen years old. And they believe they can take on the world, no matter what it calls them.

But when euphoric promiscuity mixes with a series of dangerous, deadly pranks, their world at Sacred Heart Holy Angels can never be the same.
  • ISBN13 9781400079957
  • ISBN10 1400079950
  • Tipus Llibre