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The new quantum universe

The new quantum universe
47,04€ -5% dte.
Estalvia 2,35€
  • Editorial CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521564571
  • ISBN10 0521564573
  • Tipus Llibre

The new quantum universe

-5% dte.    47,04€
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Detalls del llibre

The New Quantum Universe describes quantum mechanics and how it underpins everything we see about us - from atoms to stars, from nuclei to lasers. Quantum paradoxes and the eventful life of Schroedinger's Cat are explained, along with the Many Universe explanation of quantum measurement. The book looks ahead to the nanotechnology revolution, describing quantum cryptography, quantum computing and quantum teleportation. Including an account of quantum mechanics and science fiction, this accessible book is a fascinating introduction for the general reader.
  • Editorial CAMBRIDGE U.P
  • ISBN13 9780521564571
  • ISBN10 0521564573
  • Tipus Llibre