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The sheltering sky (Red Classics)

Autor Paul Bowles


The sheltering sky (Red Classics)
-5% dte.    10,00€
Estalvia 0,50€
  • Editorial PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141023427
  • ISBN10 0141023422
  • Tipus Llibre

The sheltering sky (Red Classics)

Autor Paul Bowles


-5% dte.    10,00€
Estalvia 0,50€
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Detalls del llibre

Some journeys are best left unmade. Kit and Port Moresby are Americans abroad. Struggling to save their marriage, they resolve to trade civilization for the wilderness of the Sahara. At first, the pair is seduced by the desert's beauty. But beneath the exquisite landscape lurk the dark undercurrents of an alien culture, and the relentless dangers of a hostile natural world. And as they travel deeper, they might not only lose their way. They could lose their lives.
  • Editorial PENGUIN BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780141023427
  • ISBN10 0141023422
  • Tipus Llibre

Més llibres de Paul Bowles