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For Real! English in Everyday Situations with audio CD (Timesaver)

Editorial M. GLASGOW

For Real! English in Everyday Situations with audio CD (Timesaver)
-5% dte.    44,00€
Estalvia 2,20€
  • Editorial M. GLASGOW
  • ISBN13 9781900702232
  • ISBN10 1900702231
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Idioma Anglès

For Real! English in Everyday Situations with audio CD (Timesaver)

Editorial M. GLASGOW

-5% dte.    44,00€
Estalvia 2,20€
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Detalls del llibre

This 96 page resource book offers teachers a wealth of activities based on reading and listening realia (authentic or simulated-authentic) and will be vital for teachers presenting 'Background to Britain' information. 'Timesavers for Real!' offers activities which aid integrated skills development (with a focus on reading, listening and vocabulary) and revises specific structures in an enjoyable and meaningful way. Examples of activities include: Shopping at the CD Megastore (Music types - likes and dislikes); TV listings (matching programmes to people profiles); Maps of Britain and Local Towns (jigsaw pair work). The book is accompanied by an audio component. Intermediate level.
  • Editorial M. GLASGOW
  • ISBN13 9781900702232
  • ISBN10 1900702231
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Idioma Anglès