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The British Museum is Falling Down

Autor David Lodge


The British Museum is Falling Down
-5% dte.    12,85€
Estalvia 0,64€
  • Editorial GRANTA BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780140062144
  • ISBN10 0140062149
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Col.lecció INGLES
  • Idioma Anglès

The British Museum is Falling Down

Autor David Lodge


-5% dte.    12,85€
Estalvia 0,64€
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Detalls del llibre

The rhythm method is the curse of Adam Appleby's life and the cause of his children's. As his thesis awaits its birth in the British Museum, his wife studies the thermometer at home. But it seems that "Vatican Roulette" has failed them again.
  • Editorial GRANTA BOOKS
  • ISBN13 9780140062144
  • ISBN10 0140062149
  • Tipus Llibre
  • Col.lecció INGLES
  • Idioma Anglès

Més llibres de David Lodge