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A Guide to Commercial Radio Journalim

Autor Linda Gage


A Guide to Commercial  Radio Journalim
-5% dte.    44,99€
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  • Editorial FOCAL PRESS
  • ISBN13 9780240515472
  • ISBN10 0240515471
  • Tipus Llibre

A Guide to Commercial Radio Journalim

Autor Linda Gage


-5% dte.    44,99€
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Detalls del llibre

Essential reading for any journalist who works - or wishes to work - in radio. It covers every aspect of the profession, from journalistic practice to media law and gives detailed instruction on the techniques of editing and using equipment, and on the basic skills of writing, reporting and producing. A legal section outlines the pitfalls of libel and contempt, and shows the main restrictions on reporting, particularly during elections. There is also a whole chapter dedicated to advice on court reporting.

Written from a practitioner's standpoint, this is the perfect handbook for anyone involved at any level in commercial or local radio. A classic training manual in the profession, the book was originally written by Linda Gage, former Head of Training for LBC. This edition has been fully revised and updated by Marie Kinsey, Head of Broadcast Journalism at the Northern Media School, Sheffield Hallam University, and Lawrie Douglas, a freelance producer, editor and trainer. Marie has had over 20 years experience in broadcast news both in the commercial sector and with the BBC. Lawrie has worked in both BBC Radio and Television, helped establish Reuters' Audio Department and has taught in the Communications Studies Department of Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambridge.

The techniques described in the book now cover the latest in commercial radio production and show how working practices have been affected by the new technology including:

· digital recording and editing
· use of minidisc portable recorders
· using the Internet as a source
· effect of digital radio on the World Wide Web

The book also includes:
· the latest on legal practice,including Scottish and European law
· advice on court reporting
· more on programme production: phone-ins etc

Ideal starter for anyone contemplating a career in radio
Includes essential legal information
Written by experienced professionals and trainers
  • Editorial FOCAL PRESS
  • ISBN13 9780240515472
  • ISBN10 0240515471
  • Tipus Llibre