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Individual freedom in language teaching

Autor Christopher Brumfit


Individual freedom in language teaching

Individual freedom in language teaching

Autor Christopher Brumfit


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Detalls del llibre

Starting from the premise that each person develops a unique and personal code for communication, Christopher Brumfit examines the roles of teachers and learners and the approaches that education professionals should develop in support of learners. The book draws upon linguistic, psychological, philosophical, and sociolinguistic principles and uses practical examples from second, foreign, and mother tongue teaching. It attempts to integrate theoretical and empirical work with the practical needs of institutions and of teachers, without losing sight of learners' needs for free personal choice, combined with effective communication. Drawing upon the author's extensive experience in the field, it considers the roles of literature and culture, as well as language policy in relation to learners' rights, and attempts to outline a humane and realistic philosophy for language teaching.

Més llibres de K. Johnson, Christopher Brumfit